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St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School

Learning in the light of Christ.

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DT: our teddies enjoyed the ride as we tested our vehicles down the ramp!

Book Week Cafe

Maths: using a range of resources to show unit and non-unit fractions

Science Week: our scientific drawings of some beautiful daffodils

Science Week: "If I were an engineer... " invention ideas!

Science Week investigation: Does age affect our reaction times? We tested ourselves in the Ruler Drop Challenge and we will compare our results with the rest of the school.

KSCP Science Day: What is the best liquid to stop a piece of apple from browning? (lemon juice!)

World Book Day café: sampling books and biscuits!

Science: investigating the shape, size, colour and appearance of different seeds and comparing them to bulbs.

Science: we enjoyed learning about different types of energy at the Science Show at Sevenoaks School!

Computing- We are learning how to create algorithms for the characters on Scratch Junior.

DT: investigating different toy vehicles and learning the names of the different parts, e.g axle, chassis, body and cab.

Geography: What information can we found out about Mexico?

Maths: sharing resources into equal groups to help with our division work

History: writing a letter to a friend about the Great Fire of London.

Visiting the Tower of London to learn about The Great Fire of London!

Open Afternoon: the children had a great time showing their parents (and grandparents) their learning so far this year.

Poetry: our wonderful night sky poems were inspired by the "Look Up!" and "Skygazing" texts.

History: acting out the different methods that were used to stop the Great Fire of London - leather buckets, water squirts, small pumps and fire hooks.

Great Fire of London- The children mixed primary colours together to create the background and then used black paint to create the silhouette of buildings.

Science: can we change the shape of different objects by squashing, twisting, bending and stretching?

Art: painting a fiery Great Fire of London scene, using different techniques to add texture, such as scratching, dotting and scraping.

Great Fire of London- the children created their own model as a monument to the great fire. They wrote a description to accompany their model to describe why the great fire was so devastating at that time in London.

Maths: creating and recording equal groups as repeated addition, groups of and as a multiplication fact

PE: practising our attacking and defending skills for invasion games!

English: using conjunctions to add more detail about a character's actions

Our Mission and Values

'Learning in the Light of Christ'

Read Our Values And Ethos


Trust Information

St Thomas' Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Thomas’ Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
